Repo (The Henchmen MC Book 4) Page 15
"Because they didn't deserve the way they died."
"Maybe, maybe not."
"Maze... not."
My head tilted at the firmness of his tone. "I never had you pegged for the self-condemnation type."
"Don't usually do things I regret," he said, his hand moving up to stroke over my cheek.
I swallowed hard, trying to talk myself into stepping away from him. We were right in the middle of the yard. Anyone could see us if they happened outside for a smoke or some fresh air.
"I need to do my rounds." To that, Repo smirked a little evilly. "What?" I asked, brows drawing together.
"Yeah, when one of us takes the guard shift, we just plant our asses on the roof with a gun. You can see every inch of the fence from up there."
My mouth fell open in mock shock. "You bastards," I laughed, shaking my head.
"We gotta get our kicks somehow," he chuckled. "But you're right. Rounds need to be done," he said, but I didn't trust the look in his eye as he pushed me back a few steps and hopped off the table, taking the Maglite out of my hand and flicking it on before taking off toward the fence.
I paused for a moment before rushing to fall into step beside him, watching his profile as we walked. "Are you... doing the rounds with me?"
"Yeah," he said, nodding slightly.
"Um. Okay. But... why?"
"We need to talk."
We most definitely did not need to talk. What we needed was to move on and pretend that what happened never happened. It was better for both of us that way.
"I think we're all good on that front," I said, pointedly keeping my gaze ahead of us.
We walked that way for a long couple of minutes, each second that passed making me feel more and more like I was going to crawl out of my own skin. But then, nestled far from the compound in the back corner of the yard, Repo's hand closed around my bicep and turned me, pushing me up against the fence.
"We're not all good on that front," he countered my point from several minutes before.
"No," he cut me off, putting two fingers against my lips to silence me. "Shush for a second, alright? We need to get some shit straight and if you keep trying to interrupt me, this is gonna take all night. Now, I think we both get that my job is to not allow you into the MC. By whatever means necessary. It sucks. It's not fair. But that's the way it is. I get that you're going to resent me for that. And I know it means it's going to be hard to trust..."
"Okay. Hold up," I said, brushing his hand away.
"No, listen."
"No, you listen..."
"Maze, I want to give this a shot," he said over my objection, effectively shutting me up.
"Give what a shot?"
"Whatever this is," he said, waving a hand between us.
"This is nothing. We had sex. That's not a big deal. We can be adults about it and move on."
"That's what you want? You want to move on?"
"Yes, that's..."
Then his lips were on mine, his hand going into the hair at the nape of my neck, curling in and pulling, as his teeth bit into my lip hard enough to bruise. On a groan, I reached out toward his sides, dragging him against me as he pressed me into the fence, tongue teasing mine until I let out a whimper. At the sound, he pulled back suddenly, his breath warm on my face as my eyes fluttered open.
"Sure about that?" he asked, lips quirked up on one side.
"That was low."
"But it proved my point, didn't it?"
"I believe the fact that we're obviously attracted to each other was my point, not yours," I countered with a small smile, my lips still tingly from the kiss.
"It's part mine too. We're attracted to each other. We did a pretty ace job on the fucking front. And on top of that, I like what you have to offer, Maze. I'd like to have a chance at receiving all that. When all this is done."
I was with him until the last part, when I felt myself straightening. "When all this is done... meaning when you send me packing," I observed as I used my hands that were still at the sides of his abs and pushed him back a foot.
"Do you really think it's a good idea to try to build some kind of... relationship on your killing a dream of mine?"
"It's not personal, honey."
"I hate that phrase. It's personal to me."
I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. It was a ridiculous conversation to have. Because if Repo succeeded in kicking me out, which he seemed determined to do, there was no chance of us getting together in any capacity. Because if I lost the protection of The Henchmen MC, I was going to be relocated. Probably clear across the country. I wouldn't be able to keep in contact, not that even if I could it would make any difference. Long distance relationships were for college and temporary work assignments, not girls on the run from freaking Russian traffickers.
I opened my eyes slowly. "You're telling me there's not a single chance of getting patched in here?"
Repo paused, raking a hand down the side of his face. "Yeah, that's what I'm telling you."
I tried to ignore the swirling, free fall sensation in my belly and reached for the front of his tee, pulling him forward. "In that case..." I said, pulling his lips down to mine.
I would ride it out, continue doing my grunt work, deal with whatever they wanted to throw at me, learn things if anything was offered that would be useful for my future, and I would enjoy every last stolen moment I could with Repo. Because, in the end, what did it matter if I was going to be out on my ass anyway? Soon, and there was no telling how soon, but soon, I would be relocating. So what was the use in denying myself something I wanted?
"Maze, we weren't done..." he started against my hungry, insistent lips.
"Yeah we were," I countered, my lips going to his neck as my hand drifted down his stomach and flattened over the crotch of his jeans where his cock was already hard and straining. My hands moved up the soft, worn material of his pants to his fly, quickly undoing it and reaching inside to stroke him, sliding my thumb over the head at each pass, until Repo made a low, growling sound in his throat and snagged me at the wrist, pulling my hand away.
Giving him a mischievous smile, I lowered myself down in front of him, using my free hand to free him and stroking down his cock to the hilt before leaning forward, head tilted up, eyes on him, I slowly took him into my mouth, using my tongue to tease the head before I took him deep. His deep blue eyes were intense on mine, the lids heavy. A muscle was ticking in his jaw as his hand released my wrist and moved to stroke the hair out of my face.
Encouraged, I ducked my head and worked him with my mouth, a little tentative at first, then faster, deeper, one hand stroking his cock as I sucked and the other stroking over his balls as his hand went to the crown of my head and coaxed me deeper and faster for a long couple of minutes. His quiet groans stirred the desire between my legs until I was wet and aching for fulfillment as well.
"Honey... alright... okay," he said, chuckling slightly as I fought him pulling me backward. I wanted to taste his release; I wanted to own his pleasure. He held me back from him by my hair. "I got one rule with sex, Maze."
"Rule?" I asked, brows raising. That was a new one for me. I'd never run across a man with sexual rules.
"You always come first," he said, using my hair to drag me back to my feet.
"Well, I think I can get behind a rule like that."
"Right now, I'm getting behind you," he said, smile a little boyish as he released my hair, my scalp stinging slightly. "Hands on the fence, Maze," he commanded, reaching into his back pocket for his wallet and pulling out a condom.
Feeling anticipation flutter in my belly, I turned to face the fence, spreading my arms wide and grabbing the fence as per orders. I stood that way a long minute, long enough for me to almost look over my shoulder to mak
e sure he was still there, before I felt his hands grab the waistband of my jeans and, without bothering to unfasten them, yanking them roughly down my legs. I felt his body move in behind me, his feet settling inside of mine, his cock pressing against my ass. One of his hands slid up my back, sinking into my hair, wrapping it around his hand and yanking roughly, making me arch back. "Hands stay on the fence," he reminded me as I automatically moved to get closer to him and ease the smarting of my scalp. His other hand moved out and squeezed my ass cheek hard once before guiding him between my thighs. I couldn't even build up any anticipation before he slammed hard and deep.
I cried out his name as I clenched around him, my hands pulling at the fence as I stuck my ass out further.
"Fucking perfect view," he said withdrawing slightly, his voice tense as his hand went to one of my hips, digging in and using it to pull me backward as he thrust deep again. There was no reservation after that. He fucked me fast, rough, his fist pulling my hair harder with each stroke of his cock, his hand occasionally slapping my ass cheek as he kept up our frantic pace, me shoving back into him, greedy, needing release. My moans came out loud and uncontrolled, so wrapped up I was completely unconcerned with being overheard.
I didn't get the slow build-up, the expected suspended sensation that always proceeded an orgasm. No, it slammed through my system completely unexpected, my legs going weak and Repo's hand had to go around my waist to hold me upward as he kept thrusting through the rapid waves of pulsations deep inside.
I came down to reality hard, sucking in a breath I hadn't been aware of holding. Repo held me against his chest, his stubble grazing my neck as he teased my earlobe with his tongue and teeth.
"Now," he said, voice still rough and it shivered through my satisfied system, "let's see if we can convince you that nothing ever has or ever will feel as good as my cock in your ass, huh?"
And, well, was there really any way to deny him anything?
Especially with a promise like that and the fact that he seemed wholly capable of delivering on it.
"Okay," I said, turning my head toward the side on his shoulder and he leaned down and kissed the tip of my nose.
"Okay," he agreed, hand going between us and stroking his cock up my slick cleft. "Nervous?"
"No." First because, as much as I trusted anyone outside of K and his team of badasses, I trusted Repo. Second because, I'd dated Thato for a long time then a couple other guys over the years living in the city. And, well, let's face it, every guy made a move to try anal at some point. I couldn't exactly claim those had been altogether pleasant experiences, certainly not orgasm-inducing, but it was a different kind of intimacy and it was fulfilling a desire of someone you cared for.
I felt his cock slide up toward my ass, pressing there hard for a second but not sliding in. "You need me to slow down, tell me," he instructed, one hand pushing against my lower stomach as he slowly penetrated. I closed my eyes, breathing deep as he filled me. "You alright?" he asked as I felt him push fully inside.
"Mmmhmm," I murmured, meaning it. Like I expected, it didn't feel like the most amazing thing in the world, but it was nice.
"About to be a whole lot better," he promised, nipping into my earlobe as the hand on my belly slid lower and moved between my thighs, his thumb pressing against my clit and a finger thrusting inside my pussy.
It was right then that I realized Repo was nothing if not an honest man. Because with the way my sex clenched and a rush of wetness coated his palm, I knew he was somehow going to make good on his claim.
His thrusts started slow, tentative, as if waiting for any resistance or objection. But with his thumb working my clit and his finger working my G-spot, all I felt was the strong, almost overwhelming anticipation of an orgasm that threatened to rip a hole through the sky and let me see into heaven for a moment.
"So, how's this going for ya?" he asked through my increasing moans, his tone a little teasing.
"Shut up," I laughed, reaching up behind me and wrapping my arms around his neck as his thrusts got faster, his fingers more insistent.
I felt my sex tightening, hinting at completion. The thrusts got even faster as his finger raked across my G-spot and his thumb pressed in hard and I just... shattered.
There was no other way to describe it.
The orgasm coursed through my system, starting at my clit and G-spot and exploding outward until it overwhelmed my entire body.
"That's it, honey," Repo growled against my ear as his thrusts got harder for a moment as I came back down before he planted deep and jerked once upward as he let out a curse as he came.
We stayed that way for a long time, him still inside me, my arms around his neck, one of his arms low on my hips, the other just under my breasts, our breathing ragged, our heartbeats frantic.
"Fuck yeah," he said after a long silence, his tone sounded sated but also pleased.
"I second that," I smiled out at the fence.
"Alright, gotta deal with this condom," he said, carefully slipping out of me, pulling his boxer briefs and pants back into place then walking across the field to his cars where there was a garbage. I reached down, pulling my panties up then unbuttoning and unzipping my jeans so I could pull them back up. By the time I was finished, Repo was back, grabbing my hand and pulling me along with him.
I looked around a little frantically, worried about being seen, as I was led around the side of the compound to the fire escape. Only then was my hand released and only because we needed both of our hands to climb the narrow stairs.
"What are we doing?" I asked as I followed him to stand on the roof.
"Your job. Without all the unnecessary walking," he said casually, moving to the center of the roof where there were actually milk crates set up to sit on.
"Did you guys sit around and laugh while watching us walk the grounds during the disgustingly hot or rainy days?" I asked, lowering my eyes at him and he looked sheepish.
"Maybe a little."
"Oh, you fucks," I laughed, shaking my head as I moved to sit down on the crate across from him. As soon as my ass hit it, however, he reached across, grabbed the crate, and slid it directly in front of him. His legs went out wide at my sides, his hands landing on my knees. His eyes were intense as he watched my face, so penetrating that I had to resist the urge to squirm. "What?" I asked when I couldn't take it anymore.
"We haven't finished our talk."
"Oh, come on, Repo. We don't..."
"Jesus fuck, since when is it the dude who has to try to force the chick to have 'the talk'?" he asked, rolling his eyes a little and giving me that boyish smile I was really beginning to like seeing. "Look, I'll keep this simple. I know you're going to hate me for a while and resent me or whatever. But regardless of all that, I plan on convincing your stubborn ass that it was just work, nothing personal. Because personally, I'd like to have you here within arms-reach at all times so I can fuck you any time the mood strikes."
"That... wow... that was so romantic," I teased though inside, my belly was doing the flip-flop thing again.
"Figured flowers and candy and poems weren't your thing. Thought you'd prefer some honest-to-God truth instead."
He was right. After so much deceit and uncertainty in my life, I really appreciated someone just laying it on the line for me, even if it wasn't particularly pretty.
And with that, I felt the flip-flop sensation get replaced with a big, hard, ugly pit of guilt in my stomach. He was being brutally honest and I was being anything but.
"Tell you what," I started, choosing my words carefully. "I can't make you any promises, Repo. And I will probably resent and be pissed at you a lot, but for the time being, anytime you want to sneak off and find a field somewhere," I smiled, "let me know."
"We're never gonna fuck on a bed, are we?" he asked, his eyes dancing.
"Where's the fun in that?" I countered and he laughed.
"You've got a point."
; "So, ah, are you going back in or what?" I asked a minute later when we both just sat there, looking around at the fence line.
"Embarrassed at being seen with me, huh?" he asked, smirking.
"More like I'm not looking for any reason for Reign to kick me out any sooner than necessary."
"Can I ask you something?"
There was a seriousness in his tone that made me stiffen a little. "You can ask."
"Why stick it out? If you know it's not going anywhere, why not just cut your losses and head out? You can't possibly enjoy the grunt work."
"No, but I'm not a quitter. I'll stay until I'm not welcome anymore."
"Hate to break it to you, honey, but you're not exactly welcome now," he said, snagging my milk crate again, this time spinning it so my back was to him. His arm moved around my center, pulling me back against him. Feeling me stiffen, he pulled me tighter. "Don't worry, I'll get out of here before anyone can see us. Just relax."
Easy for him to say.
He wasn't going to be kicked out of the organization that could keep him safe from some crazy Russian brothers.
And he wasn't weighted by the knowledge that, by getting kicked out, we would be losing what we had come to find with each other.
But that was my burden to shoulder.
So I leaned back against Repo's strong chest and we did our jobs and I pretended to ignore the growing sadness settling down deep inside me.
The next three days did two things.
One, I was constantly sex-sore because when Repo said 'fuck you whenever the mood strikes', he meant it. And that mood struck at least twice a day. Once, I was pulled back toward his cars under the pretense of handing him tools and waxing the car (both things he totally forced me to do, by the way. Being with Repo didn't get me any special treatment) and then he fucked me against the hood like he had fantasized about. There was another time in his back seat, me on top riding him hard and fast, our bodies slick with sweat in the summer heat. And my shifts tended to be at night or in the morning so no one would see us when he would grab me and fuck me hard and rough or slow and sweet. Repo had no standard for how he liked to fuck. He wasn't one of those guys who only had one move, one speed, one preference. He followed the mood and that meant I got not only spoiled by orgasms that threatened to make me dumb, but experience with types of sex other men had never afforded me before.